Relationship Coaching For Individuals
Empower Your Relationship: One Partner, Infinite Possibilities
It is not unusual that you might want support in your relationship but your partner does not. Do not be discouraged. This is natural. The very good news is that you can reconstruct your relationship even if you are the only one attending sessions.
Amazing things are bound to happen as you learn and apply new tools. Your relationship will improve! It is a relationship - by definition, when one person changes, the relationship will change. Additionally, your partner may become inspired and want to join you sometime in the future for sessions.
I custom craft the coaching experience to meet your needs but your journey will look something like this.
Create an inspiring vision for what you would love your relationship to look and feel like.
Communication: Learn how to clearly communicate in a way that is well-received by your partner, and learn how to really be present and listen to the heart of your beloved. When you feel deeply heard, there is no reason to shout and no reason to dig your heels in.
Personal Responsibility: When you take full responsibility for how you show up in the relationship, gridlock disappears. Personal responsibility empowers you. It is the essential ingredient for creating the life and relationship that you long for.
Secure Attachment: Gather tools that allow you to create emotional safety and security in your relationship. A solid friendship is the base of a healthy relationship. Establish the habit of turning towards your partner.
Repair: There will always be painful moments in every relationship. These can destroy connection if they are not resolved. But if you know how to repair conflicts, then they become the catalyst for both personal and relationship growth. The challenge itself can aid in healing and deepening your relationship.
Positive Love Account: Expand the beauty and joy in your relationship. Understand that every interaction is either a deposit or a withdrawal from the relationship Love Account. Learn your beloved's love language so that you can reliably make deposits and help the relationship thrive.
Touch & Sexuality: Transform sexual challenges and reignite the spark between the two of you. The benefits of a healthy sexual connection include greater emotional connection, a decrease in stress and tension, more joy, playfulness, laughter, vibrancy, and affection.