Life Coaching For Teens

Some teen relationships are fraught with high emotions and drama. My program for teens helps them to feel more grounded and more confident as they navigate their emotions, their relationships, and all of the other challenges prevalent during those turbulent years.

My teen coaching program has five pillars:

  • Cultivating Self - Confidence

  • Developing Emotional Intelligence 

  • Improving Self Care - Honoring Your Value

  • Creating Balance - A Remedy For Stress and Anxiety

  • Strengthening Relationships

I help teens to find their own answers and I provide strategies perfectly tailored to their needs. I see in them the amazing individual that they are, and eventually they begin to see it themselves. Once they see that, watch out and watch them blossom, because they want to express it!  Joy, confidence, and new possibilities are the natural consequence. 

Your Teen’s Journey Might Look Something Like This:

  • She will learn to use her creative imagination to create the very best life for herself.

  • He will discover the best methods for staying in balance and handling stress and intense emotions in a healthy way.

  • She will explore how to stay true to herself - The Authentic You - , discovering how this is the doorway to more confidence and creativity.

  • He will experience a flow of positive energy when he changes negative self-talk into positive affirming messages of love, discovering how to become his own best friend.

  • She will learn to develop a Growth Mindset, discovering how this one practice, if embraced, can change the whole trajectory of her life.

  • He will understand why boundaries are so important, and learn how to create his own and respect those of others.

  • She will improve her communication skills, expand her ability to resolve conflicts, and learn about healthy relationships.


Reflections - Moving On After a Breakup